Environmental Assessment / Impact Assessment Process Milestones Timeline*

We are now in a coordinated Environmental Assessment (EA) / Impact Assessment (IA) process.

*Timeline is tentative and subject to change.


  • A Notice of Commencement of the Terms of Reference was published and distributed on March 6, 2019 (view the English or French Notice of Commencement)
  • Public Information Centre #1 (April 20 / May 1) for Indigenous people and the public
  • Initial Project Description submitted to the federal Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency)
  • Detailed Project Description submitted under the Federal Impact Assessment Act on November 9, 2019
  • A Notice of Impact Assessment was published by the Agency stating that a federal IA is required on November 29, 2019
  • Public Information Centre #2 (December 10 / 11) for Indigenous people and the public
  • Draft Terms of Reference released for review by Indigenous communities, agencies, the public, and other stakeholders on December 4, 2019
  • Indigenous Knowledge (IK) Program begins December 2019
  • Ongoing engagement with Indigenous communities
  • Field studies conducted on alternative routes throughout Summer into 2020



  • Introduction of the Assessment Phase of the EA / IA Process
  • The Terms of Reference was approved on October 8, 2021 with amendments
  • The Notice of Commencement of Environmental Assessment was issued on October 29, 2021
  • Field studies continue
  • Ongoing engagement with Indigenous communities


  • Studies carried out to establish current conditions for water, air, land, social, cultural and economic conditions
  • Indigenous Knowledge Program continues
  • Fine tune Preferred Route Selection Approach
  • Public Information Centre #3 (June 27 / 29) for Indigenous people and the public.
  • Milestone: Effects Assessment Methodology (Fall 2022)
  • Public Information Centre #4 (December 7 / 8) for Indigenous people and the public 
  • Ongoing engagement with Indigenous communities and the public
  • Impact Statement extension request submitted to IAAC


  • Impact Statement extension request granted by IAAC (January 13)
  • Indigenous Knowledge Program continues
  • Field studies continue
  • Share ATRI effects assessment information and host mitigation discussions
  • Identification of technically preferred route recommendation and rationale for the Community Access Road (end of 2023)
  • Ongoing engagement with Indigenous communities and the public including Public Information Centre #5 (October 25 / 26)


  • Milestone: Identification of Preferred Route
  • Cumulative effects assessment 
  • Preparation and submission of the Draft Environment Assessment / Impact Assessment (EA / IS)
  • Milestone: Review of Draft EA / IS 


  • Review of Final EA / IS update
  • Milestone: Submit the combined Draft (2024) and Final (2025) EA / IS
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